Sonic generations 06 mod
Sonic generations 06 mod

This can be used for baking with HedgeGI.

  • A program that generates lightmap UV2 channel for every terrain model in a stage.
  • A program that generates terrain block data for a stage to significantly improve the performance.
  • You can afterwards drag and drop the Packed stage folder that contains the.
  • sonic generations 06 mod

  • ghz200-HedgeGI (contains lightmap/shadowmap files).
  • Place your lightmap/shadowmap files in a folder which is named after your stage but with -HedgeGI suffix, for example:.
  • This is a replacement for Post Render mode in GIAtlasConverter.
  • Drag and drop the Packed stage folder that contains the.
  • A program that regenerates triangle strip data for every model in a stage to fix the crash on Nvidia Turing GPUs.
  • A program that converts a Sonic Lost World model file to a Sonic Generations one.
  • If you don't want the database to be reset by the editor, make it read-only.
  • A shader database for SonicGLvl 0.5.7 which contains every shader from Sonic Generations and Sonic Unleashed.
  • A program that creates a PFD file with its corresponding PFI file from a folder to work with Sonic Unleashed.
  • sonic generations 06 mod

    A program that converts an EVS file to an XML, and vice versa.A program that allows you to extract AR or PFD files.A program that allows you to create AR archives with its corresponding ARL file from a folder.A program that separates lightmap and shadowmap texture from a complete GI map.A maxscript that allows you to import light files or a light list file.A maxscript that allows you to import a.A program that allows you to change the shadowmap resolution of the FxPipeline Renderer.A program that allows you to translate, rotate and scale a stage.

    sonic generations 06 mod

    A program that converts an FBX or DAE file to a model file.A program that allows you to generate light field from a stage.A program that crops GI textures from a folder of uncompressed files.A Havok Content Tools 2010 options file that allows you to export animations for Sonic Generations.Modified version of terrain2fbx to search for PNG textures instead of DDS.To have a full conversion, please ensure that you've included everything.A program that allows you to convert terrain models inside a folder to an FBX file.A program that allows you to extract or create a CPK file.

    sonic generations 06 mod

    Almost every program here works with drag and drop.

    Sonic generations 06 mod